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Education and the Definition of Success

It is no fact that having education in an area helps one think, feel, and behave in a way that contributes to success, as well as improving satisfaction.

Still, education is not necessarily required to achieve success.

This is because success depends on someone's ability to make use his talent and creativity and in a very effective way, where it would be recognized.

Success is defined by someone being perfect in his field and also having something special Which is rare to find in anyone else. And this is as a result of the hybrid world which depends on what one has to offer rather that education qualifications.

Even if you are uneducated, or have received a very little education even then you can achieve great success in life by putting your skills in the right place and the right time.

There are so many examples of highly successful people who either did not go to school or received a very little education but with their skills, perseverance, and hard work they made a name for themselves with their success.

Today if you look around, more than half of the college graduates are looking for work.

They have a degree in hand, but still


The simple truth is that education can give you a perspective but cannot guarantee success. It takes skills and talent to make

it there.

You should follow your passions in life and education will only limit your avenues

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