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Sodeinde Temidayo David


As a writer, I don’t just use words to describe what I see; I create stories and scenes that take the reader to somewhere new and unexpected. To get a better sense of my work, please feel free to explore my official Journalist Portfolio.

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I’ve been crafting stories for as long as I can remember, but in 2000 I decided to take the plunge and dedicate myself fulltime to the writing profession. Since then, I’ve been very fortunate to have had my work featured in a variety of publications.

I look at the world through a writer’s lens. I see stories in everyday life just waiting to be told and do my best to be the medium through which they reach the page. To find out more about my work, browse my newly updated Journalist Portfolio and get in touch if you have any questions or would like to discuss working together.

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Lagos, Nigeria


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